Add or Remove User Licenses

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Here’s how to add or remove user licenses in your Cascadin Workspace.

Requirements for this action

You must be an Owner or Super Admin in the Workspace to change the number of user licenses. Learn more about Workspace Roles.

Step 1: Go to Workspace Settings → Billing Plan

From your Profile photo, click on the dropdown menu in the top left corner. Select Workspace and then Billing Plan.

Screenshot of the Billing Plan in Cascadin, where you can add or remove user licenses

Step 2: Go to Change Plan

In the Billing Plan menu, select the Change Plan section.

Screenshot of the Change Plan page in Cascadin to add or remove user licenses in a workspace

Step 3: Add or remove user licenses

Here you can change number of user licenses you need for your Workspace. Once you have selected the amount needed, check the “I agree to the Cascadin Client Agreement” box. Click Confirm.

Your subscription total will reflect the new number of user licenses for your Workspace.

Screenshot of the confirm change to a billing plan when you add or remove user licenses to a workspace in Cascadin


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